Netzer in the Community

March has been a very exciting time for Netzer South Africa.

To kick things off we joined the other Youth Movements, like Habbonim Dror, Bnei, Betar and SAUJS at the annula Zionist Youth Conference, where we really grappled with the ideas of Zionism as well as the place for Youth Movements in Modern Jewish South African Society. It was an intense day for all of us, but a very informative one. We bonded and socialised while eating (of course!) and learned a lot from each other, even if we did get into a few arguments.

This was followed by the SAFI Conference where Jewish Zionist teamed up with Christian Zionists fr an intriguing day. We heard a myriad of speakers from a multitude of backgrounds throughout the day.

Netzer is always busy with activities and events in your area, check out our Facebook page to find out when the next events are happening!