So what is Progressive Zionism. Part 2

To follow on from last month’s article; the Progressive movement begins to align itself with the sentiment of Jews needing a homeland, and furthermore, that homeland being Israel.

So what is progressive Zionism? Part 1

As one of Netzer’s five ideological pillars, Progressive Zionism is by far the most confusing and conflictual, whether you are a leader in Netzer or just an inquiring mind. When the head of the Israel centre in South Africa, asked the question; ‘So what is Progressive Zionism?

Netzer Israel Tour – Exploring the land of hummus and kippot

Hearts fill of anticipation, 12 young Netzerniks set off for Israel. The journey began with an 8 hour marathon overnight in Addis Ababa’ s “ enormous” airport. Tired, drained and rather smelly, we arrived in Jerusalem just in time to witness our first sunset over the Holy Land.

Shnat Netzer – A Netzernik goes abroad

November is an exciting time for matrics, the prospects of the big wide world are almost in their grasp with exams being the final hurdle. For Netzerniks it becomes the time to prepare for the upcoming year unanimously agreed as the most amazing year of your life – Shnat, Shnat Netzer.

Shnat Report 22 April 2010

Dear parents, snifim and shnattim shalom rav! clomid japan quality cialis generic recommended We hope you are all doing well. This week was not an easy one. We all experienced Yom Azikaron- Israel Memorial Day for all Israeli fallen soldiers, and victims of terrorism. The shnatties attended a special ceremony